
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 1 - Bài học 6


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SAT Word Skills 1

a sweet alcoholic beverage made from a mix of herbs, fruits, and different spices

mùi rượu

mùi rượu

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any kind of alcoholic drink made through the process of heating and cooling, such as whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, and tequila

chất nước

chất nước

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to liquidate

to clear one's debt

trả hết nợ

trả hết nợ

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[Động từ]
to liquefy

to change from a solid state and become fluid or liquid

hóa nước

hóa nước

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[Động từ]

an order issued by a judge that authorizes the police to take specific actions

lệnh pháp lý

lệnh pháp lý

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feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

cảnh giác

cảnh giác

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[Tính từ]

in a careful manner, with a sense of caution and suspicion

thận trọng

thận trọng

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[Trạng từ]
to abet

to assist or encourage someone to do something, particularly in committing a wrongdoing or crime

đồng mưu

đồng mưu

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[Động từ]

in or to bed

cái giường

cái giường

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[Trạng từ]

a feeling of satisfaction caused by the fulfillment of a desire

mối vui thích

mối vui thích

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to gratify

to give a person happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction

cho tiền thưởng

cho tiền thưởng

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[Động từ]

without costing anything

miễn phí

miễn phí

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[Trạng từ]

provided or given without cost

cho không

cho không

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[Tính từ]

a gift of money as a way of repaying kindness or as a gesture of appreciation that is given willingly

tiền biếu ngoài

tiền biếu ngoài

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a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things to highlight their similarities and convey a deeper meaning

phép ẩn ý

phép ẩn ý

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a field of science, dealing with metals and how to utilize them

luyện kim

luyện kim

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to metamorphose

to undergo a complete transformation in form, structure, or appearance

biến hình

biến hình

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[Động từ]

in a manner that uses a word or phrase to convey a meaning beyond its literal interpretation

một cách ẩn dụ

một cách ẩn dụ

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a branch of philosophy that deals with abstract concepts such as existence or reality

hình nhi thượng học

hình nhi thượng học

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