
Sách Top Notch 2A - Đơn vị 4 - Bài 1

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 4 - Bài 1 trong giáo trình Top Notch 2A, chẳng hạn như "đèn hậu", "cản xe", "ngoại thất", v.v.


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Top Notch 2A

located on the outer surface of a particular thing

bên ngoài, ngoài

bên ngoài, ngoài

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car part

a part or piece of a vehicle

bộ phận xe, phần xe

bộ phận xe, phần xe

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one of the two powerful, large, and bright lights that are placed at the front of vehicles

đèn pha, đèn trước

đèn pha, đèn trước

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the part of a vehicle that uses a particular fuel to make the vehicle move

động cơ

động cơ

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a metal part that covers the engine of a vehicle

nắp máy, nắp động cơ

nắp máy, nắp động cơ

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windshield wiper

a long and thin device with rubber on its edge, designed to move across the glass at the front of vehicles to clear it of rain, snow, etc. so that the driver can see the road properly

gạt nước, gạt kính

gạt nước, gạt kính

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a part of a vehicle's roof that can slide open to have more light or ventilation

cửa sổ trời, mái che trời

cửa sổ trời, mái che trời

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the space at the back of an automobile in which different things can be put

hầm chứa, thùng xe

hầm chứa, thùng xe

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tail light

a light at the rear of a vehicle that is usually red in color

đèn hậu, đèn phía sau

đèn hậu, đèn phía sau

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turn signal

a light on a vehicle that blinks to indicate a change in lane

đèn tín hiệu rẽ, đèn rẽ

đèn tín hiệu rẽ, đèn rẽ

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a bar that is attached to the back and front of a vehicle to reduce damage in time of an accident



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a circular rubber object that covers the wheel of a vehicle

lốp, bánh xe

lốp, bánh xe

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a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air

cửa sổ, cửa kính

cửa sổ, cửa kính

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the thing we move to enter, exit, or access a place such as a vehicle, building, room, etc.



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the internal part of a building, car, etc.

nội thất, phần bên trong

nội thất, phần bên trong

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steering wheel

the wheel that a driver holds or turns to make a vehicle move in different directions

vô lăng, bánh lái

vô lăng, bánh lái

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a device placed inside of a vehicle that makes an alarming and loud sound, used to give a warning or signal to others

còi, chuông

còi, chuông

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the panel placed inside a vehicle, below the glass at the front, that is facing the driver or pilot and contains most of the controls and switches

bảng điều khiển, bảng dashboard

bảng điều khiển, bảng dashboard

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gas pedal

the pedal that one uses to control the speed of a car, truck, etc. when it is moving

bàn đạp ga, cái đạp ga

bàn đạp ga, cái đạp ga

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brake pedal

the pedal that one pushes with one's foot to stop or slow down a car, truck, etc.

bàn đạp phanh, bàn đạp dừng

bàn đạp phanh, bàn đạp dừng

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the handle or pedal that one uses to change gears in a car, truck, etc.



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a handle in a car or other vehicle, by which a driver can change gears

cần số, gác cần số

cần số, gác cần số

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rearview mirror

a fixed mirror inside of a car or another vehicle that gives the driver a view of what is happening behind the vehicle

gương chiếu hậu, gương nhìn phía sau

gương chiếu hậu, gương nhìn phía sau

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seat belt

a belt in cars, airplanes, or helicopters that a passenger fastens around themselves to prevent serious injury in case of an accident

dây an toàn

dây an toàn

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