
Sách Solutions - Cơ bản - Đơn vị 9 - 9E

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 9 - 9E trong giáo trình Solutions Elementary, chẳng hạn như "hoover", "take age", "hẹn hẹn", v.v.


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Solutions - Elementary
to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name



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regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.

công việc nhà

công việc nhà

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to hoover

to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, and debris

hút bụi

hút bụi

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to take ages

to require a very long time to complete something, often much longer than expected or necessary

khi một cái gì đó mất một thời gian dài

khi một cái gì đó mất một thời gian dài

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schoolwork that students have to do at home

bài học sinh làm ở nhà

bài học sinh làm ở nhà

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to make

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

làm cái gì đó

làm cái gì đó

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furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress



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to have

to eat or drink something

ăn hoặc uống

ăn hoặc uống

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the first meal we have in the early hours of the day

bữa ăn sáng

bữa ăn sáng

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to wash up

to clean plates, cups, bowls, or other kitchen items after eating

rửa chén

rửa chén

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the action or process of making something, especially inside a house, etc. clean

sự giặt giủ

sự giặt giủ

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to take

to reach for something and hold it

bị bịnh

bị bịnh

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a large vehicle that carries many passengers by road

xe buýt

xe buýt

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the act of buying goods from stores

sự đi mua hàng

sự đi mua hàng

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to do one's best

to try to do something as well as one is capable of

cố gắng hết sức để làm điều gì đó

cố gắng hết sức để làm điều gì đó

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[Cụm từ]
to take out

to remove a thing from somewhere or something

cởi bỏ quần áo của một người

cởi bỏ quần áo của một người

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[Động từ]

unwanted, worthless, and unneeded things that people throw away

vật bỏ

vật bỏ

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a discussion, typically a serious one, between two or more people with different views

đối số

đối số

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something or someone that is of no or very little value, size, or amount



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to do sb a favor

to perform a helpful or kind act for someone, typically without expecting something in return

giúp đỡ ai đó

giúp đỡ ai đó

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an act or opinion that is wrong

điều sai

điều sai

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phone call

the act of speaking to someone or trying to reach them on the phone

gọi điện

gọi điện

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a planned meeting with someone, typically at a particular time and place, for a particular purpose

thời gian hẹn

thời gian hẹn

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any liquid that we can drink

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an event where people get together and enjoy themselves by talking, dancing, eating, drinking, etc.



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a state in which one is free from any sort of activity, work, strain, or responsibility

Yên tâm

Yên tâm

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a talk that is between two or more people and they tell each other about different things like feelings, ideas, and thoughts

cuộc nói chuyện

cuộc nói chuyện

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to take a picture

to use a device like a camera or cellphone to capture an image of something or someone

chụp ảnh

chụp ảnh

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a way of testing how much someone knows about a subject

bài thi

bài thi

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the field of science that is concerned with treating injuries and diseases



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a small round medication we take whole when we are sick

banh quần vợt

banh quần vợt

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to take one's advice

to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person

lắng nghe lời khuyên của ai đó

lắng nghe lời khuyên của ai đó

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