
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 2 - Bài học 20


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SAT Word Skills 2

any of the letters in the New Testament, written by the apostles

sứ đồ thư ca

sứ đồ thư ca

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(literature) relating to a form of work that uses letters or written documents as the primary mode of communication among fictional characters

ở dạng văn bản

ở dạng văn bản

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the branch of philosophy in which knowledge is studied

nhận thức luận

nhận thức luận

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a small room or space that serves as an entrance or waiting area

chờ vào yến kiến người nào

chờ vào yến kiến người nào

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to antedate

to be earlier in time than something else

có trước

có trước

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to antecede

to happen or come before something else in a sequence, order, or arrangement

trước đó

trước đó

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extremely old, primitive, or belonging to a distant and bygone era

trước thời hồng thủy

trước thời hồng thủy

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referring to the hours between midnight and noon

kinh tuyến trước

kinh tuyến trước

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relating to or occurring in the period of time before birth

trước khi sinh

trước khi sinh

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belonging to the front part of the body

phía trước

phía trước

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a small room or space positioned before a larger or more significant room

phòng trước

phòng trước

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to loathe

to dislike something or someone very much, often with a sense of disgust

không ưa

không ưa

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unwilling to do something due to a lack of will, motivation, or consent

ghê tởm

ghê tởm

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so clear or convincing that it cannot be reasonably disputed or denied

không thể chối cãi

không thể chối cãi

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