
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 2 - Bài học 50


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SAT Word Skills 2
to lithograph

to print something via stone or metal carved in a particular way so that ink only sticks to the intended parts

in litho, in bằng đá

in litho, in bằng đá

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to perjure

to lie in a court of law after officially swearing to tell the truth

lời khai gian dối, khai man trước tòa

lời khai gian dối, khai man trước tòa

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the offense of telling lies in a court of law after you have vowed to tell the truth

khai man

khai man

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to disinfect

to destroy bacteria, virus, etc. by cleaning with a special substance

khử trùng, vệ sinh bằng chất khử trùng

khử trùng, vệ sinh bằng chất khử trùng

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something that has specific chemicals or causes a chemical reaction that destroys harmful microorganisms such as bacteria

thuốc tẩy uế, chất khử trùng

thuốc tẩy uế, chất khử trùng

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[Danh từ]

the act of saying farewell to someone or something particularly via a ceremonial speech

lời từ biệt, lễ tiễn đưa

lời từ biệt, lễ tiễn đưa

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an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony

lớp trưởng tốt nghiệp, học sinh xuất sắc nhất

lớp trưởng tốt nghiệp, học sinh xuất sắc nhất

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[Danh từ]

related to saying farewell and leaving a place, someone, etc

từ biệt, bài phát biểu tạm biệt

từ biệt, bài phát biểu tạm biệt

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[Tính từ]

(religion) a person who in some Christian teachings is believed to be the personal enemy of Jesus Christ and will appear before the end of the world

kẻ chống đối Chúa, antichrist

kẻ chống đối Chúa, antichrist

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a drug that is used to treat people who feel extremely sad and anxious

thuốc chống trầm cảm

thuốc chống trầm cảm

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a substance that counteracts or controls the effects of a poison

thuốc giải độc

thuốc giải độc

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any foreign substance in the body that can trigger a response from the immune system

kháng nguyên

kháng nguyên

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a strong feeling of hatred, opposition, or hostility

ác cảm, không ưa

ác cảm, không ưa

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[Danh từ]

(geography) any two places that are positioned on the earth's opposing hemispheres divided by the equator

đối cực, điểm đối diện

đối cực, điểm đối diện

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[Danh từ]

preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms

kháng khuẩn

kháng khuẩn

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[Tính từ]

a chemical substance that prevents or soothes the sudden, painful, and unintentional tightening of the muscles

thuốc chống co thắt, thuốc giãn cơ

thuốc chống co thắt, thuốc giãn cơ

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the second part of a traditional ancient Greek poetry and performance on stage when the performers move back usually left to right to their previous position

antistroph, antistrophe

antistroph, antistrophe

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to impoverish

to diminish something's overall quality

tước đi, giảm chất lượng

tước đi, giảm chất lượng

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(of people and areas) experiencing extreme poverty

nghèo khổ, cùng khổ

nghèo khổ, cùng khổ

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