
Sách Insight - Cao cấp - Kiến Thức Từ Vựng 5

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ trong Từ vựng Insight 5 trong giáo trình Insight Advanced, chẳng hạn như "không thể tiếp cận", "phong cảnh", "lãnh thổ", v.v.


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Bắt đầu học
Insight - Advanced

moving or pointing towards a lower position, direction, or level

đi xuống

đi xuống

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not able to be reached or entered, usually due to obstacles or restrictions

không thể tiếp cận được

không thể tiếp cận được

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an area of land that has remained largely undisturbed by humans and their modern development

nơi hoang vu

nơi hoang vu

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a beautiful scene in the countryside that can be seen in one particular view

người làm vườn

người làm vườn

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to creep

to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface



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[Động từ]
to advance

to move towards a goal or desired outcome

Đang tiến bộ

Đang tiến bộ

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[Động từ]
to stride

to walk confidently and purposefully with long, decisive steps

đi bước dài

đi bước dài

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[Động từ]

occurring or happening by turns, one after another

Luân phiên

Luân phiên

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available as an option for something else

thay thế

thay thế

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forced to be done by law or authority

bắt buộc

bắt buộc

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(of a behavior or action) driven by a strong inner urge or impulse, where the person feels compelled to do something even if they do not want to

cưỡng ép

cưỡng ép

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settling an issue authoritatively and leaving no room for further doubt or debate

dứt khoát

dứt khoát

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expressed with clarity and precision, leaving no doubt as to the meaning or intention

rõ ràng

rõ ràng

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relating to the production, distribution, and management of wealth and resources within a society or country

thuộc kinh tế

thuộc kinh tế

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using resources wisely and efficiently and minimizing waste and unnecessary expenses

tiết kiệm

tiết kiệm

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(of a person or event) existing as a part of the past and recorded in history

mang tính lịch sử

mang tính lịch sử

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concerning or related to the past times, events, or people

lịch sử

lịch sử

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drawing or deserving attention or notice

đáng chú ý

đáng chú ý

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worthy of attention or recognition due to its distinct characteristics

đáng chú ý

đáng chú ý

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[Tính từ]

a large, dry area of land with very few plants, typically one covered with sand

công lao

công lao

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a geographic area belonging to or ruled by a government or authority

địa hạt

địa hạt

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a piece of land surrounded by water

hòn đảo

hòn đảo

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to chug

to produce a rhythmic and repetitive sound, often resembling the noise made by a train or an engine

tiếng nổ

tiếng nổ

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to hurtle

to move with speed and intensity



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[Động từ]
to prowl

to roam about without a specific purpose

đi rình mồi

đi rình mồi

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a walk, usually taken for leisure or enjoyment

sự đi dạo

sự đi dạo

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to accelerate

to make a vehicle, machine or object move more quickly

[Động từ]
to pull up

(of a vehicle) to come to a stop

dừng xe

dừng xe

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[Động từ]

a situation in which people join together to fight against those in power

sự mọc lên

sự mọc lên

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a severe and often sudden enforcement of law or regulations, typically to suppress or control specific activities, behaviors, or groups perceived as problematic or threatening

sự bãi bỏ

sự bãi bỏ

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a complete or disappointing failure

màu giặt bị bay

màu giặt bị bay

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a brief heavy rainfall

mưa lớn

mưa lớn

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the unexpected start of something terrible, such as a disease

bạo động

bạo động

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a problem that gets in the way of a process or makes it worse

cái gì đó cản trở sự tiến bộ

cái gì đó cản trở sự tiến bộ

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