
Thể Thao - đạp xe


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Words Related to Sports
gravel cycling

a type of cycling that involves riding on unpaved roads and trails using a bike designed for rougher terrain

đạp xe rải sỏi

đạp xe rải sỏi

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para cycling road

a competitive cycling event on roads for athletes with physical disabilities

đường dành cho xe đạp

đường dành cho xe đạp

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the sport or activity of riding a bicycle

thuộc về chu kỳ

thuộc về chu kỳ

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to pedal

to propel and operate a bicycle or other pedal-powered vehicle

đạp bằng bàn đạp

đạp bằng bàn đạp

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[Động từ]
bicycle motocross

a sport in which participants use specially designed bicycles to perform tricks and race on a dirt track

xe đạp xe mô tô

xe đạp xe mô tô

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track cycling

a competitive sport where cyclists race on specially designed oval tracks

theo dõi đi xe đạp

theo dõi đi xe đạp

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road bicycle racing

a competitive sport where cyclists race on paved roads over various distances and terrains

đua xe đạp đường bộ

đua xe đạp đường bộ

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mountain biking

the activity or sport of riding a mountain bike over rough ground

đạp xe leo núi

đạp xe leo núi

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a form of bicycle racing consisting of many laps on a short course featuring various terrains and obstacles

xích lô chéo

xích lô chéo

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cycle speedway

a form of bicycle racing on short, oval tracks

đường cao tốc chu kỳ

đường cao tốc chu kỳ

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a formation in cycling where riders follow closely behind one another to reduce wind resistance and conserve energy

đường tốc độ

đường tốc độ

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the technique of closely following another vehicle or cyclist in races to reduce wind resistance and conserve energy

chọn lựa

chọn lựa

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bike throw

a cycling maneuver to extend the front wheel at the finish line for a close win

ném xe đạp

ném xe đạp

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an intense burst of speed used in cycling to finish a race or overtake an opponent

cuộc đua nước rút

cuộc đua nước rút

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standing climb

a technique in cycling where the cyclist pedals while standing on the pedals, usually during ascents or steep sections of the route

đứng leo lên

đứng leo lên

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a maneuver in cycling where one rider accelerates to pave the way for a teammate's sprint

dẫn đầu

dẫn đầu

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seated climbing

a technique in cycling where the cyclist climbs hills or inclines while remaining seated on a bicycle

ngồi leo núi

ngồi leo núi

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