在这里您可以找到 Top Notch 1B 教材第 7 单元 - 第 1 课中的词汇,例如“bumpy”、“kind of”、“long”等。
making us feel fear
可怕的, 吓人的
having rough or uneven movements
颠簸的, 不平的
having a below-average distance between two points
短, 小
(of two points) having an above-average distance between them
长的, 长
having a very beautiful view of nature
风景如画的, 优美的
physically feeling relaxed and not feeling pain, stress, fear, etc.
舒适的, 舒服的
making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting
无聊的, 乏味的
used to emphasize that how much or how intense something is by talking about what happens as a result
如此, 那么
to a great extent or degree
非常, 真的
used to put emphasis on a statement
真的, 确实
to a degree that is high but not very high
相当, 还算
to the highest degree
非常, 极其
in some ways or to some degree