在这里您可以找到《Top Notch Fundamentals B》教材第 9 单元 - 第 1 课中的词汇,例如“计划”、“下雨”、“天气”等。
something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose
活动, 行为
a chain of actions that will help us reach our goals
计划, 项目
things that are related to air and sky such as temperature, rain, wind, etc.
very bright because there is a lot of light coming from the sun
阳光明媚, 晴朗
having many clouds up in the sky
多云, 阴天
having a lot of strong winds
多风的, 有风的
having frequent or persistent rainfall
阴雨的, 潮湿的
(of a period of time or weather) having or bringing snow
下雪的, 覆盖了雪的
having a higher than normal temperature
热的, 温暖的
having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature
冷的, 寒冷的
having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant
温暖, 暖和
having a pleasantly mild, low temperature
凉爽的, 温和的