在这里您可以找到《Total English Starter》教材中第10单元第2课的词汇,例如“累”、“兴奋”、“心烦意乱”等。
feeling very annoyed or upset because of something that we do not like
生气的, 愤怒的
tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something
无聊的, 失去兴趣的
feeling very unhappy and having no hope
沮丧的, 抑郁的
feeling very happy, interested, and energetic
兴奋的, 激动的
emotionally feeling good
快乐的, 幸福的
worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it
紧张的, 焦虑的
feeling frightened or anxious
害怕的, 恐惧的
needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy
疲倦的, 累的
feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened
烦恼的, 不高兴的