Behavior vs. Attitude
This time, we're gonna learn about the little details between 'behavior' and 'attitude'. Can we use them interchangeably? Let's see.
What Is Their Main Difference?
Both of these words refer to someone's way of thinking and their identity. However, 'behavior' refers to how someone acts in regard to oneself and others whereas, 'attitude' is someone's beliefs, thoughts, and feelings on something.
As stated above, 'behavior' refers to how a person behaves in society. It talks about actions. Look below:
A childish
As you can see, 'behavior' deals with the way someone acts.
The woman's mature
However, 'attitude' is used when we want to talk about someone's thinking patterns, feelings, beliefs, etc. Look at the following examples for more clarification:
I didn't like his
Here, 'attitude' talks about what someone thinks.
Mind your
Both 'behavior' and 'attitude' refer to a person's identity. Based on our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, we perceive the world in a certain way and act accordingly. Check out the following examples:
The mayor's
Her inconsistent
Are They Interchangeable?
Although both of these words are used to refer to someone's identity, they cannot be used interchangeably because the listener will definitely get confused. Compare:
✓ His wild and untamed
X His wild and untamed
Basically, 'untamed' cannot be an 'attitude' because 'attitude' is a way of thinking/judging something.