In this lesson, we're gonna discuss the differences and similarities between these two words. Well, If you're still interested in learning, come on.

"Pass time" vs. "Pastime" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

'Pass time' means to spend time doing something, while 'pastime' refers to an activity that one enjoys doing for leisure or pleasure.


'Pastime' is a noun that refers to an activity that one enjoys doing for leisure or pleasure. It is a hobby or interest that one engages in regularly or occasionally for fun or relaxation. For example:

My pastime is sitting at a café, reading a book.

What's your pastime?

'Pass time', on the other hand, is a verb phrase that means to spend time doing something, usually to occupy oneself. This can be any activity that one engages in to kill time or to make the time pass more quickly. For example:

I feel like watching a movie, just to pass time.

So, how are you gonna pass the time?


The similarity between 'pass time' and 'pastime' is that they both relate to how people spend their time. Check out the examples below:

I wish I could study to pass the time when I'm on the subway.

Her pastime is sleeping.

Are They Interchangeable?

They cannot be used interchangeably because they have different grammatical functions. Comare:

✓ Our pastime is to gather around and chitchat.

X Our pass time is to gather around and chitchat.


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