Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question for you: How many of you know the differences and similarities between these two?

"Labeled" vs. "Labelled" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both are past forms of the verb 'label'. However, 'labeled' is the American spelling, while, 'labelled' is the British spelling.


'Labeled' is the American English spelling, whereas, 'labelled' is the British English spelling. Look at the following examples:

The whole class labeled her as a traitor.

Despite the fact that most people had labelled her as a brute, I reckon she is especially warmhearted.


Both are past forms of the verb 'label'. Look at the examples below:

The package was labeled confidential.

The workers labelled all the tickets as free.

Are They Interchangeable?

Most native speakers use these words interchangeably. Compare:

✓ All the children labeled their parents.

✓ All the children labelled their parents.


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Are you familiar with the differences and similarities between these two words? Do you think they are variants of the standard spelling?
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