الألوان والأشكال - المضلعات
اقرأ هذا الدرس لتتعرف على أسماء المضلعات باللغة الإنجليزية، مثل "المضلع المحدب" و"السباعي" و"الهنديكاجون".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a two-dimensional closed shape with straight sides and equal angles between adjacent sides, and all sides have the same length
مضلع منتظام
a polygon that does not have all sides or angles equal in size or measure, making it non-regular and lacking symmetry
مضلع غير منتظم, شكل مضلع غير منتظم
a geometric shape that has all its interior angles measuring less than 180 degrees, causing the polygon to curve outward
مضلع محدب, مضلع بصيغة محدبة
a geometric shape that has at least one angle measuring greater than 180 degrees, causing the polygon to curve inward
مضلع مقعر, شكل مضلع مقعر
(geometry) a flat figure with four straight sides and four angles
أربعة أضلاع, شكل رباعي
a seven-sided plane shape consisting of seven line segments or edges that meet at seven interior angles
(geometry) a polygon consisting of eight straight sides and eight angles
مضلع ثماني
(geometry) a flat shape consisting of nine straight sides and nine angles
تسع زوايا
(geometry) a flat polygon with ten straight sides and ten angles
مضلع عشرة أضلاع
(geometry) a flat figure consisting of eleven straight sides and eleven angles
أحادي عشر طائرة
(geometry) a flat figure that consists of twelve sides and twelve angles
اثني عشري
a polygon with seventeen sides and seventeen angles
مُعَشَّرَة السُدُسَة
a polygon with nineteen sides and nineteen angles
إنعادوكاجون, مضلع ذو تسعة عشر ضلعًا
(geometry) a flat star-shaped figure with six points that can be formed by making equilateral triangles on each side of a regular hexagon
سداسيون, نجمة سُداسية