كتاب Solutions - ابتدائي - الوحدة 9 - 9 أ
ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 9 - 9أ في كتاب الحلول الدراسي للمرحلة الابتدائية، مثل "الستارة"، و"غرفة المرافق"، و"خزانة الملابس"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a piece of furniture consisted of a number of drawers primarily used for keeping clothing
an appliance shaped like a box that is used for heating or cooking food by putting food on top or inside the appliance

موقد, طباخ

a piece of furniture with shelves and doors, usually built into a wall, designed for storing things like foods, dishes, etc.

خزانة, دولاب

a hanging piece of cloth or other materials that covers a window, opening, etc.

ستارة, حجاب

furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

مكتب, طاولة عمل

the technology that allows computers, cell phones, etc. to access the Internet or exchange data wirelessly

واي فاي, إتصال لاسلكي

a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination


something we use to cover or decorate a part of the floor that is usually made of thick materials or animal skin

سجادة, مشبكة

a flat, narrow board made of wood, metal, etc. attached to a wall, to put items on

رف, رفوف

a large and open container that has a water supply and you can use to wash your hands, dishes, etc. in

حوض, مغسلة

a comfortable seat that has a back and two arms and enough space for two or multiple people to sit on

أريكة, كنبة

a seat, often with four legs, that does not include a any support for one's back or arms

مقعد بدون ظهر, كرسي بدون مسند

furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on


the complete bathroom or restroom area, including facilities for personal hygiene and grooming

مرحاض, حمام

a piece of furniture that is large and is used for hanging and storing clothes

خزانة ملابس, دولاب

an area or room in a house or building that is partially or completely below the ground level

قبو, طابق سفلي

a room that has a toilet and a sink, and often times a bathtub or a shower as well

حمام, مرحاض

a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept


the part of a house where people spend time together talking, watching television, relaxing, etc.

غرفة المعيشة, صالون

a room immediately under the roof of a house, which is used as a storage or living space

علية, سطح

a room in which there are large pieces of household equipment such as a dishwasher

غرفة المرافق, غرفة الخدمة

pieces of equipment such as tables, desks, beds, etc. that we put in a house or office so that it becomes suitable for living or working in

أثاث, عفش