كتاب Solutions - متقدم - الوحدة 1 - 1F
ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 1 - 1F في كتاب الحلول المتقدم، مثل "التسرب"، و"المواجهة"، و"التربية"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
someone who leaves school or college before finishing their studies

متسرب من المدرسة, منسحب

the manner in which a child is raised, including the care, guidance, and teaching provided by parents or guardians

تنشئة, تربية

a person who has fled or escaped from a place, typically a home or institution, often to avoid control orauthority

الهارب, النازح

a complete change or reversal, often resulting in an improvement or shift in direction

تحول جذري, تبديل

an important discovery or development that helps improve a situation or answer a problem

اختراق, تقدم

something that proves to be very shocking and disappointing to one, in a way that ruins one's good mood
a sense of gloom, worry, doubt, or uncertainty that follows or affects someone
used to say that someone is behaving in a way that is wild, irrational, or unconventional