Kniha Solutions - Pokročilý - Jednotka 1 - 1F
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 1 - 1F v učebnici Solutions Advanced, jako je "dropout", "stand-off", "upbringing" atd.
a problem that gets in the way of a process or makes it worse
neúspěch, problém
someone who leaves school or college before finishing their studies
absolvent, žák
the traits that a person gains while growing up
výchova, pěstování
someone who leaves a place without permission or notification
uprchlík, dezertér
a complete change or reversal, often resulting in an improvement or shift in direction
a failure in the progress or effectiveness of a relationship or system
selhání, rozpad
an important discovery or development that helps improve a situation or answer a problem
průlom, pokrok
a situation in which reaching an agreement seems impossible
patová situace, konfrontace
something that proves to be very shocking and disappointing to one, in a way that ruins one's good mood
a sense of gloom, worry, doubt, or uncertainty that follows or affects someone
used to say that someone is behaving in a way that is wild, irrational, or unconventional
to choose a different course of action or way of life than what is considered traditional or expected