
كتاب Four Corners 2 - الوحدة الرابعة الدرس ج

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 4 الدرس ج في كتاب Four Corners 2 الدراسي، مثل "drop off"، و"yard"، و"counter"، وما إلى ذلك.




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اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Four Corners 2
to clean out

to completely empty or remove the contents of a space, container, or place, often thorough cleaning

إفراغ بالكامل, تنظيف شامل

إفراغ بالكامل, تنظيف شامل

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a small space or room built into a wall, which is used to store things and is usually shelved

خزانة, دولاب

خزانة, دولاب

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to drop off

to take a person or thing to a predetermined location and leave afterwards

توصيل, ترك

توصيل, ترك

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dry cleaning

a process of cleaning clothes or fabrics using chemicals instead of water

غسيل جاف, تنظيف جاف

غسيل جاف, تنظيف جاف

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to pick up

to take and lift something or someone up

التقط, رفع

التقط, رفع

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a colorful thin book that has news, pictures, and stories about different things like fashion, sports, and animals, usually issued weekly or monthly

مجلة, مطبوعات

مجلة, مطبوعات

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to take out

to remove a thing from somewhere or something

إخراج, استبعاد

إخراج, استبعاد

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things such as household materials that have no use anymore

نفايات, قمامة

نفايات, قمامة

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to clean up

to make oneself neat or clean

تنظيف نفسك, ترتيب نفسك

تنظيف نفسك, ترتيب نفسك

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the land joined to our house where we can grow grass, flowers, and other plants

فناء, حديقة

فناء, حديقة

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to hang up

to place a thing, typically an item of clothing, on a hanger, hook, etc.

يعلق, يُعلِق

يعلق, يُعلِق

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the things we wear to cover our body, such as pants, shirts, and jackets

ملابس, ثياب

ملابس, ثياب

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to put away

to discard something, especially something that is no longer useful or necessary

يتخلص من, يضع جانبا

يتخلص من, يضع جانبا

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a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from

طبق, صينية

طبق, صينية

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to wipe off

to remove something by rubbing a surface with a cloth or hand

مسح, إزالة

مسح, إزالة

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a table with a narrow horizontal surface over which goods are put or people are served

كونتر, عداد

كونتر, عداد

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