
كتاب Interchange - فوق المتوسط - الوحدة 9 - الجزء 1

ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 9 - الجزء الأول في كتاب Interchange للمستوى فوق المتوسط، مثل "السيارات"، و"التسامح"، و"التطعيم"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Interchange - Upper-intermediate

the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

عمل, شاطئ

عمل, شاطئ

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related to the design, development, and maintenance of cars and other vehicles

سياراتي, مركباتي

سياراتي, مركباتي

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the work done by a person, organization, company, etc. for the benefit of others

خدمة, تقديم خدمات

خدمة, تقديم خدمات

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to repair

to fix something that is damaged, broken, or not working properly

إصلاح, ترميم

إصلاح, ترميم

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information or facts collected to be used for various purposes

بيانات, معلومات

بيانات, معلومات

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the act of regaining something lost or taken away

استعادة, انتعاش

استعادة, انتعاش

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a thick piece of woven cloth, used as a floor covering

سجادة, موذج

سجادة, موذج

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clothes, sheets, etc. that have just been washed or need washing

الغسيل, ملابس متسخة

الغسيل, ملابس متسخة

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the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger



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a teacher who gives lessons privately to one student or a small group

مدرس خصوصي, معلم خاص

مدرس خصوصي, معلم خاص

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to belong

to be one's property

يخص, يملك

يخص, يملك

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a machine or piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as washing machine, dishwasher, etc. that is used for a particular task

جهاز, أداة كهربائية

جهاز, أداة كهربائية

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considered unusual, particularly in a way that makes one confused

غريب, غير عادي

غريب, غير عادي

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to wax

to use a thin and warm layer of a substance that is usually made of beeswax to remove unwanted hair from the skin

إزالة الشعر بالشمع, تطبيق الشمع لإزالة الشعر

إزالة الشعر بالشمع, تطبيق الشمع لإزالة الشعر

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to drop off

to take a person or thing to a predetermined location and leave afterwards

توصيل, ترك

توصيل, ترك

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having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties

مناسب, قابل للتحمل

مناسب, قابل للتحمل

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the amount of money required for buying something



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to demand

to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner

يطالب, يطلب

يطالب, يطلب

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to deliver

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

تسليم, إيصال

تسليم, إيصال

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having received a vaccine, which can help prevent the spread of certain diseases by making a person immune to them

ملقح, مستَحِصن

ملقح, مستَحِصن

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the use of influence or demands to persuade or force someone to do something

ضغط, ضغط من المستثمرين

ضغط, ضغط من المستثمرين

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a shop where medicines are sold



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to break up

to end a relationship, typically a romantic or sexual one

إنهاء العلاقة, افتراق

إنهاء العلاقة, افتراق

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

ابتكار, تطوير

ابتكار, تطوير

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to look forward to

to wait with satisfaction for something to happen

يتطلع إلى, يترقب

يتطلع إلى, يترقب

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to keep up

to maintain communication with someone

البقاء على اتصال, الحفاظ على التواصل

البقاء على اتصال, الحفاظ على التواصل

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to get along

to have a friendly or good relationship with someone or something

التفاهم, التوافق

التفاهم, التوافق

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to cut down

to reduce the amount, size, or number of something

خفض, تخفيض

خفض, تخفيض

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

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to take care of somebody or something

to care for someone, help them, or keep them safe

to reduce

to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.

تقليل, خفض

تقليل, خفض

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the amount of something or the whole number of things in a group

كمية, حجم

كمية, حجم

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describing affections connected with love or relationships



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to tolerate

to allow something one dislikes, especially certain behavior or conditions, without interference or complaint

يتسامح مع, يحتمل

يتسامح مع, يحتمل

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feeling very happy, interested, and energetic

متحمس, مثير

متحمس, مثير

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