
كتاب Total English - متقدم - الوحدة 4 - المفردات

ستجد هنا الكلمات من الوحدة الرابعة - المفردات في كتاب دورة اللغة الإنجليزية المتقدمة، مثل "على العموم"، "مريض ومتعب"، "بين الحين والآخر"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Total English - Advanced
now and again

on occasions that are not regular or frequent

by and large

used to indicate that something is mostly the case or generally true

بشكل عام, عمومًا

بشكل عام, عمومًا

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law and order

a situation where people obey and respect the rules of a place, society, or country

facts and figures

full and exact information about something

trial and error

the process of testing a method, an idea, etc. in several ways to achieve the desired outcome

tried and tested

proven to be effective, reliable, or trustworthy through experience, testing, or a history of success

ready and waiting

fully prepared and available for something that is expected to happen or occur

once and for all

in a way that finalizes and completes the matter at hand

sick and tired

annoyed or disgusted by someone or something one has been dealing with for a long time

aches and pains

general discomfort or soreness in various parts of the body

out and about

out of the house or office, and actively engaged in various activities, especially outdoors

خارج المنزل وبيئة نشطة, في الخارج ومشارك في الأنشطة

خارج المنزل وبيئة نشطة, في الخارج ومشارك في الأنشطة

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