أفعال العمليات العقلية - أفعال للفكر العميق
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى التفكير العميق مثل "أتساءل"، "أفكر أكثر"، و "تفكر".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to experience a sense of awe or admiration for something
تَعَجَّبَ, أَحَبَّ
to think about or consider something as a possibility
تأمل, اعتبر
to give careful thought to something, its various aspects, implications, or possibilities
تأمل, تفكر
to think about something or someone all the time, in a way that makes one unable to think about other things
يقلق بشأن, يحتل عقله
to excessively focus on one thing, to the point of obsession, making it difficult to think about other things
يترکز بشدة على, يؤثر بشكل مفرط على
to think too much about something, often making it more complicated than it needs to be
يفكر كثيرًا, يطرق الفكرة كثيرًا
to think carefully about something and consider it before making a decision
يتداول, يفكر في
to think or talk about something at length, often to the point of overthinking or obsessing about it
التفكير في, التقلب في
to think carefully about something for a long time
يتأمل في, يفكر طويلاً في