التدريب العام لاختبار IELTS (النطاق 6-7) - آراء
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالآراء الضرورية لامتحان IELTS للتدريب العام.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.

يسيء للقضاء, خلاف

to complain quietly or softly, often in a way that others cannot hear or understand

تذمر, اشتكى بهدوء

to spread bad and awful commentaries about someone in order to damage their reputation

يروّج للشر, يشوّه سمعة

to criticize or speak unfavorably about someone or something, often in an unfair or unkind way.

يستهزئ بـ, يذم

to tell a person that one admires something about them such as achievements, appearance, etc.

يثني على, يُعبر عن إعجاب

to support or defend something that is believed to be right so it continues to last

دعم, دفاع عن

to criticize someone for their actions or behavior, often implying a need for correction

ومعاقبة, توجيه اللوم

to strongly and sincerely state that a particular statement or belief is true

يؤكد, يثبت