
الرياضة - تصفح




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Words Related to Sports

the activity or sport of sailing on water by standing on a special board with a sail attached to it

تطيير طائرة شراعية

تطيير طائرة شراعية

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big wave surfing

the sport or activity of riding exceptionally large waves, typically over 20 feet tall, using specialized surfboards and techniques

ركوب الأمواج الكبيرة

ركوب الأمواج الكبيرة

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a type of sport in which a person stands on a surfboard that is pulled on the surface of water by a special kite

ركوب الامواج بالطائرة الورقية

ركوب الامواج بالطائرة الورقية

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the sport or activity of riding waves using only the body, without the aid of a board

تصفح الجسم

تصفح الجسم

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a water sport that involves riding waves on a small board, called a bodyboard, while lying on one's stomach or chest

رياضة ركوب الأمواج

رياضة ركوب الأمواج

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the sport or activity of riding a thin, flat board over shallow water, typically near the shore

التزلج على الألواح

التزلج على الألواح

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stand up paddleboarding

the sport or activity of standing on a large board and propelling oneself through the water using a paddle

التجديف واقفًا

التجديف واقفًا

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to surf

to move on sea waves by standing or lying on a special board



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a technique in surfing where a surfer moves their feet along the length of the surfboard while shifting weight to maintain balance and control

عبر خطوة

عبر خطوة

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nose ride

(surfing) the act of riding the front part of the surfboard while maintaining balance and control

ركوب الأنف

ركوب الأنف

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soul arch

a stylish maneuver in surfing where the surfer arches their body gracefully while riding a wave

قوس الروح

قوس الروح

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tube riding

a surfing technique where a surfer rides inside the hollow section of a breaking wave

ركوب الأنبوب

ركوب الأنبوب

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the sport that involves riding a board on the water's surface while kneeling instead of standing

التواء الركبة

التواء الركبة

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surf kayaking

the sport or activity that involves riding waves in a kayak, using paddle power to maneuver and control the kayak's movement

تصفح التجديف

تصفح التجديف

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(surfing) a maneuver where the surfer spins their board in mid-air, similar to a skateboard trick

مسابقات رعاة البقر

مسابقات رعاة البقر

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