Přídavná Jména Vlastností Věcí - Přídavná jména geometrických tvarů
Přídavná jména geometrických tvarů poskytují informace o atributech, úhlech, stranách nebo symetriích různých tvarů.
(of a surface) continuing in a straight line with no raised or low parts
plochý, hladký
having four even sides and four right angles, forming a shape resembling a regular square
čtvercový, obdélníkový
having a circular shape, often spherical in appearance
kulatý, cirkulární
involving lines or having the shape of a straight line
lineární, přímkový
having a smooth and curved shape, lacking sharp angles or corners
zaoblený, kulatý
(of a straight line) joining opposite corners of a flat shape at an angle
diagonální, diagonální
having identical parts facing each other or around an axis
not having identical parts facing each other or around an axis
shaped like a rectangle, with four right angles
resembling a sphere or a ball in shape
sférický, ve tvaru koule
having six equal sides and six angles
šestiúhlý, hexagonální
having the shape or characteristics of a tube
trubicový, ve tvaru trubky
having a shape that consists of straight sides and circular bases which are parallel
having the shape of a pentagon, which is characterized by five straight sides and five angles
pentagonální, ve tvaru pětiúhelníku
rounded in shape but wider in one direction, such as the shape of an egg
shaped like a triangle, with three sides and three angles
having two sides or halves that correspond to one another in shape or size
not having equal or identical parts on both sides, often differing in shape or size
asymetrický, nevyvážený