
Obecná Příprava na IELTS (Pásmo 5 a Nižší) - Fyzikální akce a reakce

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s fyzickými akcemi a reakcemi, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.









Začněte se učit
Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (5)
to defend

to not let any harm come to someone or something

bránit, chránit

bránit, chránit

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to protect

to prevent someone or something from being damaged or harmed

chránit, ochraňovat

chránit, ochraňovat

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to resist

to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack

odolávat, odporovat

odolávat, odporovat

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to guard

to protect a person, place, or property against harm or an attack

chránit, hlídat

chránit, hlídat

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to crush

to forcibly push something against a surface until it breaks or is damaged or disfigured

rozmačkat, zničit

rozmačkat, zničit

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to break

to separate something into more pieces, often in a sudden way

zlomit, rozbít

zlomit, rozbít

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to attack

to act violently against someone or something to try to harm them



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to slap

to hit someone or something with an open hand, usually making a sharp sound

tlesknout, zabít

tlesknout, zabít

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to beat

to strike someone repeatedly, usually causing physical harm or injury

bít, udeřit

bít, udeřit

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to rip

to tear, cut, or open something forcefully and quickly

trhat, roztrhnout

trhat, roztrhnout

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to scratch

to make small cuts or marks on a surface

škrábat, řezat

škrábat, řezat

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to bully

to use power or influence to frighten or harm someone weaker or more vulnerable

šikanovat, vyhrožovat

šikanovat, vyhrožovat

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to hit

to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object

praštit, udeřit

praštit, udeřit

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to bite

to cut into flesh, food, etc. using the teeth

kousnout, zkousnout

kousnout, zkousnout

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