Obecná Příprava na IELTS (Pásmo 5 a Nižší) - Zapojení do verbální komunikace
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s Engaging in Verbal Communication, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

oznámit, vyhlásit

to exchange information, news, ideas, etc. with someone

komunikovat, vyjadřit se

to explain the events taking place in a movie, documentary, etc. as part of the program itself

vyprávět, narrativně říkat

to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail

zmínit, uvést

to engage in a conversation or discussion between two or more people

dialogovat, vedení dialogu

to talk about something with someone, often in a formal manner

diskutovat, probírat

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

drbat, šuškat

to formally discuss a matter, usually in a structured setting

debatuovat, diskutovat

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

diskutovat, hádání

to communicate with others, particularly while spending time with them

interagovat, komunikovat

to show or mention something to someone and give them enough information to take notice

ukázat, zmínit

to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby

šeptat, šepnout

to speak loudly, often associated with expressing anger or when you cannot hear what the other person is saying

křičet, volat

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

mumlat, švitořit