Themenbezogene Verben Menschlicher Handlungen - Verben im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschäft
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Verben, die sich auf das Geschäft beziehen, wie zum Beispiel „investieren“, „einzelhandel“ und „gewinnen“.
to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

investieren, anlegen

to get goods or services from an external supplier or assign specific tasks to an outside entity rather than handling them internally

auslagern, outsource

to sell goods, typically in a public place or through a vending machine

verkaufen, anbieten

(of an event) to completely sell all available tickets, seats, leaving none remaining for further purchase

ausverkaufen, alle Tickets verkaufen

to provide with a supply of something, such as goods or inventory, for use or sale

bestücken, lagern

to enthusiastically promote or advertise something, emphasizing its positive qualities to attract attention or interest

anpreisen, werben

to provide services or temporary use of something to someone, in exchange for a fee

vermieten, verleihen

to ask a person to pay a certain amount of money in return for a product or service

berechnen, verlangen

to demand a lower price than one's rivals

unterbieten, einen niedrigeren Preis verlangen

to set an amount that is needed as payment for a product or a service

einen Preis festlegen, bewerten

to be involved in or conduct activities related to a particular kind of business, commodity, or trade

handeln mit, sich beschäftigen mit

to earn a lot of money or resources through successful efforts or actions

einnehmen, verdiehnen

to close a business, factory, or organization, either temporarily or permanently

schließen, einstellen

to sell goods, typically by traveling from place to place or going door-to-door

verkaufen, handeln

to settle financial matters of a business by determining its liabilities and distributing its assets to cover them

liquidieren, auflösen

to begin a process with the goal of making it operational and successful

starten, einrichten

(of a business, shop, company, etc.) to no longer be open or operating, particularly permanently

schließen, stilllegen