Kollokationen von 'Make- Take- Have' - Verbesserungen, Finanzen und Ausreden (Make)
Beherrschen Sie englische Kollokationen mit „Make“, die für Verbesserungen, Finanzen und Ausreden verwendet werden, wie „machen Sie eine Genesung“ und „machen Sie es wieder gut“.
to suggest a certain amount of money for an item or service, typically in an auction or sale
Mache ein Angebot
to create a legal agreement between parties by specifying terms and obligations
eine rechtsgültige Vereinbarung zwischen den Parteien treffen
to reach an agreement with someone, often involving an exchange of terms, goods, or services that both parties agree on
mit jemandem eine Vereinbarung treffen
to accumulate a large amount of wealth or money through one's own efforts, often through business ventures or investments
Reichtum anhäufen
to earn an amount of money that enables one to support oneself and pay for one's needs
Geld verdienen
to give money or transfer funds to pay a bill or settle a debt
Eine Zahlung tätigen
to earn more money than what was initially spent or invested
einen Gewinn machen
to earn income through various means, such as employment, investments, business activities, etc.
Geld verdienen
to present a proposal or suggestion for consideration or acceptance, often in a business or negotiation context
einen Vorschlag machen
to reach a mutual understanding or formal arrangement between parties, often involving terms, conditions, or commitments
eine Einigung erzielen
to modify something with the intention of improving it
etwas modifizieren, um es besser zu machen
to regain one's health or well-being after a illness or challenging situation
wieder gesund werden
to take actions to repair a relationship or correct a mistake
Versuchen Sie, Ihre Fehler wiedergutzumachen
to enhance the quality, condition, or performance of something
etwas besser machen
to improve or get closer to a particular goal
Fortschritte machen
to create or allow space for something or someone, often by rearranging or clearing an area
Raum für jemanden oder etwas schaffen
to persuade or influence someone to accept or have faith in a particular idea, statement, or concept
Raum für jemanden oder etwas schaffen
to give a reason or explanation to avoid doing something or to explain a mistake or failure
Ausreden finden
to attend or show up at a specific event, gathering, or location, often in order to be seen or participate in something
irgendwo auftauchen
to express disagreement, disapproval, or opposition to a proposal, idea, decision, or action
etwas beanstanden
to express regret, acknowledge wrongdoing, and seek forgiveness from someone for a mistake, offense, or wrongdoing
sich entschuldigen oder seine Fehler eingestehen