Kollokationen von 'Pay- Run- Break' & mehr - Monetäre und nichtmonetäre Verwendungen (Bezahlung)
Entdecken Sie, wie englische Kollokationen mit „Pay“ wie „ein Kompliment zahlen“ und „eine Geldstrafe zahlen“ monetäre und nichtmonetäre Verwendungen im Englischen ausdrücken.
to settle an obligation by returning borrowed money or fulfilling a financial commitment
to provide a specified amount of money as a penalty for breaking a rule, law, or regulation
to carefully watch, consider, or listen to someone or something
to show respect, admiration, or recognition to someone or something
to go to a specific location, typically for social, friendly, or personal reasons
to show honor and admiration to someone or something, typically in response to a loss, a situation, or in acknowledgment of someone's significance
to show honor, reverence, or farewell to a deceased person, typically by attending their funeral, memorial service, or viewing the body before burial or cremation
to give attention or serious consideration to a specific matter, advice, or warning
to show deep respect, honor, or reverence to someone or something, often in acknowledgment of their significance, influence, or achievements