Tiere - Primaten
Hier lernen Sie die Namen von Primaten auf Englisch wie „Monkey“, „Ape“ und „Gorilla“.
a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries

a small nocturnal primate with long tail and very large eyes that lives on trees and is native to Africa


a large monkey with a doglike face and large teeth, native to Africa and South Asia


a large ape with a red coat and long arms that lives in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, the male of which develops a throat pouch

Orang-Utan, Orang-Utan (große Menschenaffe)

an intelligent ape, with mainly black fur, which has no tail and is native to the forests of western and central Africa


a small ape with long powerful arms and no tail that climbs trees, inhabiting subtropical forests of south-east Asia


a small nocturnal primate that has a short tail and moves very slowly, living in the rainforests of Africa

Potto, Poto

a large-eyed primate with a pointed snout and long ringed tail that is originally from the island of Madagascar

Lemur, Lemuren

a primate species native to central and western Africa, known for its distinctive colorful face and impressive size


a primate species with a slender body, long limbs, and a prehensile tail, known for its exceptional agility and acrobatic behaviors in the trees of Central and South American rainforests

Spinnenaffe, Schwanzaffe

a type of primate known for its distinctive appearance, including a tuft of hair on its head


a medium-sized primate species known for its distinctive red-brown fur, long tail, and prominent facial features

Rhesusaffe, Rhesus

a species of New World monkey recognized for its loud vocalizations, prehensile tail, and distinctive appearance

Heulaffe, Schreieaffe

a small, tree-dwelling primate known for its diminutive size, unique appearance, and social behavior, native to South America

Marmoset, Zweifinger-Gleitbeutler

a small New World monkey species native to the rainforests of Brazil, known for its striking golden-orange fur

goldener Marmoset, Marmoset aus Gold

a large, arboreal primate found in South American rainforests, known for its shaggy fur, social behavior, and herbivorous diet

Wollaffe, Wolläffchen

a small, agile primate found in the forests of Central and South America, known for its lively and social behavior, large eyes, and distinctively colored fur

Eichhörnchenaffe, Squirrel Monkey

a medium-sized Old World monkey with a colorful coat, distinct facial markings, and known for its social behavior and adaptability in various African habitats

Vervet-Affe, grüner Affe

a small to medium-sized New World monkey known for its long, fluffy tail, soft fur, and often monogamous social structure

Titi-Affe, Titi

a primate species native to Borneo, characterized by its large, pendulous nose, reddish-brown coat in males, and arboreal lifestyle

Proboscisaffe, Rüsselaffe

a group of primates belonging to the family Cercopithecidae, characterized by their relatively large size, long tails, and complex social structures

Alte-Welt-Affe, afrikanischer und asiatischer Affe

a group of primates found primarily in Central and South America, known for their diverse appearance, including a wide range of sizes, colors, and tail lengths

Neuweltäffchen, Neuwelt-Primaten

a species of primate found in West Africa, known for its reddish coat, long tail, and distinctive facial markings


a primate species, typically found in Central and South America, with a green coat of fur

grüne Affe, Affe mit grünem Fell

a type of monkey that belongs to the Old World monkey family, characterized by their long tails, cheek pouches

Makake, Makaque

a primate species native to Africa, known for their striking appearance characterized by black and white fur, long tails, and absence of thumbs

Kolobusaffe, Kolobus

a primate species found in South Asia, known for their dark-colored body, lighter "cap" on their head, long tail, and herbivorous diet

Mützeaffe, Kapuzineräffchen

a primate species native to Madagascar, known for their unique appearance characterized by a long, striped tail with distinctive black and white rings

Ringelschwanz-Lemur, Lemur mit ringförmigem Schwanz

a small primate species found in Africa, known for their large eyes, long tail, and ability to leap and navigate through trees at night

Galago, Schwanzäffchen

a primate species found in Southeast Asia and Africa, known for their slow and deliberate movements, large eyes, and nocturnal lifestyle


a small primate species found in Southeast Asia, known for their distinctive appearance characterized by large eyes

Tarsier, Tarsier (Primat)

a type of New World monkey, known for their diverse species and distinctive appearance, characterized by a bushy tail, large eyes, and unique facial features

Saki, Saki (Affe)

a type of primate species found in Central and South America, known for their nocturnal lifestyle, large eyes, and unique vocalizations


a small primate species found in Central and South America, known for their diminutive size, distinctive appearance

Tamarin, Tamarine

a type of primate species found in South America, recognized for their distinctive appearance characterized by a bald face, bright red facial skin, and a unique social structure

Uakari, Uakariaffe

a type of primate species found in Madagascar, recognized for their large size, distinctive black and white coat, and unique vocalizations

Indri, Primatenart

a type of primate species found in Southeast Asia, known for their vibrant and distinctive coat colors, arboreal lifestyle, and unique facial markings

Douc, Douc-Affe

a type of primate species closely related to humans, known for their social and cooperative behavior, intelligence, and sexual behavior

Bonobo, Bonobo (Primat)

a type of primate species found in Madagascar, known for its unique appearance, specialized feeding habits, and critically endangered status

aye-aye (Substantiv), aye-aye (Nomen)

a small nocturnal lemur species found in Madagascar, known for their ability to hibernate for several months of the year

Zwerglemur, nachtaktiver Zwerglemur

a small, nocturnal primate found in Madagascar, known for its mouse-like appearance and ability to enter torpor during periods of food scarcity

Mauslemur, Maus-Lemur

a medium-sized lemur species found in Madagascar, characterized by a distinctive black line down the center of their face that forks into two lines above their eyes

gabelgekennzeichneter Lemur, Forkenmarken-Lemur

a genus of lemur found in Madagascar, known for their distinctive mode of locomotion, in which they leap from tree to tree, using their powerful hind legs and long, muscular tail for balance

Sifaka, Lemuren-Gattung

a nocturnal lemur species found in Madagascar, characterized by their long tail, woolly fur, and their ability to climb vertically up tree trunks

sportlicher Lemur, Lemur sportive

a genus of lemur found in Madagascar, characterized by their distinctive fur ruffs around their neck and their loud, raucous vocalizations

Rufflemur, Fellrahmen-Lemur

a lemur species found in Madagascar, known for their thick, woolly fur and their ability to survive in cold, high-altitude habitats

Wolllemur, lemmur mit dickem Fell

a small primate species native to Africa, known for its nocturnal behavior, insectivorous diet, and unique physiological adaptations

Angwantibo, kleine Primatenart

a nocturnal monkey species native to Central and South America, known for their large, round eyes and monogamous social structure

Nachtaffe, Nachtäffchen

a primate species native to the forests of central and western Africa, known for its massive size, powerful build, and social behavior

westlicher Tieflandgorilla, westlicher Gorilla

a subspecies of gorilla found in the forests of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

östlicher Tieflandgorilla, Gorilla der östlichen Tiefebene

an Old World monkey species found in West Africa, known for their distinctive white beard and their loud, vocal communication

Mona-Affe, Mona

a group of Old World monkeys native to Central and West Africa, known for their distinctive appearance, complex social structure, and omnivorous diet


arboreal Old World primate with distinctive black-and-white coloration, found in Africa


a group of Old World monkeys characterized by their long tails, slender bodies, and distinctive coloration, found in Asia

Langur, Languren

a type of Old World monkey found in Asia, characterized by their short, upturned noses and unique adaptations for living in cold, mountainous habitats

Schnauze Affe, Kurznasige Affe

a small, arboreal monkey found in central and West Africa, known for its distinctive appearance

Talapoine, Talapoin-Affe