B2-Wortliste - Gebräuchliche Verben
Hier lernen Sie einige häufige englische Verben wie "begleiten", "erwerben", "approach" usw., die für B2-Lernende vorbereitet sind.
to do a particular thing or have the qualities needed for being punished or rewarded

verdienen, würdig sein

to make information that was previously unknown or kept in secrecy publicly known

offenbaren, enthüllen

to feel the existence of something by touch or other sensory perceptions, excluding sight or hearing

fühlen, wahrnehmen

to follow someone or something by examining the marks they leave behind in order to catch them or know what they are doing

verfolgen, nachverfolgen

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

übertragen, verlagern

to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object

transformieren, ändern

to experience change, often in response to different situations or conditions

sich verändern
to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby

flüstern, raunen

to change into a specific state, particularly one that is not desirable

werden, verwandeln in