C1-Wortliste - Time
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Zeit, wie „beforehand“, „indefinitely“, „instant“ usw., vorbereitet für C1-Lernende.
referring to an event or occurrence that is about to happen very soon
bevorstehend, kommend
in the order in which events, actions, or items occurred, following a timeline or sequence
for a limited period, usually until a certain condition changes
bis auf weiteres
without a fixed schedule or pattern
hin und wieder, manchmal
at the appropriate or expected time, without rushing or delay
rechtzeitig, zu gegebener Zeit
a short period of time of something particular
eine Zeitspanne, ein Moment
a specific period of time in history or in someone's life
Kapitel, Epochen
the time after sun sets that is not yet completely dark
Dämmerung, Twilight
the middle part of summer when it is hottest
Hochsommer, Mitte des Sommers
the middle part of winter when it is coldest
Mitwinter, Herz des Winters
either of the two times of the year when the sun reaches its farthest or closest distance from the equator
a period of three months, typically used in financial contexts
a year in every four years that has 366 days instead of 365
happening repeatedly or continuously in an annoying or problematic way
ständig, kontinuierlich
continuously happening one after another
aufeinanderfolgend, konsekutiv
happening one after another, in an uninterrupted sequence
aufeinanderfolgend, nacheinander
happening at the end of a process or a particular period of time
letztlich, endgültig
(particularly of something unpleasant) likely to take place in the near future
unmittelbar bevorstehend, drohend
happening or done from time to time, without a consistent pattern
likely to become a reality in the future
zukunftsorientiert, potenziell
closest to the end of a particular period of time, event, etc.
a period of time added to something to prolong it
Verlängerung, Fristverlängerung
non-stop and continuing through the whole day and night
rund um die Uhr, stundenlang
a point in time when something begins or is started
von Anfang an, seit Beginn
having persisted or existed for a significant amount of time
langjährig, langfristig
(of a thing) having existed or been in use for a significant period of time
langjährig, von langer Hand
used to refer to a date that is after the birth of Jesus Christ
A. D.
used when something happens almost at the same time as another
marking the years before Christ's supposed birth
vor Christus, vor unserer Zeitrechnung
used with a date to refer to things happened or existed after the birth of Christ
u. Z.