Βιβλίο English File – Στοιχειώδης - Μάθημα 9Β
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από το Μάθημα 9Β στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων English File Elementary, όπως "carton", "bottle", "packet" κ.λπ.
a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and is used for storing drinks or other liquids
a container, usually with four sides, a bottom, and a lid, that we use for moving or keeping things
a container with a wide opening and a lid, typically made of glass or ceramic, used to store food such as honey, jam, pickles, etc.
a small bag typically made of paper, plastic, etc., that can contain various things, such as tea, sugar, or spices
the white liquid we get from cows, sheep, or goats that we drink and use for making cheese, butter, etc.
a natural, white substance, obtained from mines and also found in seawater that is added to the food to make it taste better or to preserve it