El libro Insight - Intermedio Alto - Unidad 10 - 10C
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 10 - 10C del libro de texto Insight Upper-Intermediate, como "circunscripción", "votación", "participación", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
a political event in which voters choose their representatives in a government at the national or state level

elecciones generales

related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions

a group of people in a specific area who elect a representative to a legislative position

a specific place where voters go to cast their vote in an election

mesa electoral, centro de votación

(of a political viewpoint) favoring traditional social values, limited government, and individual responsibility

de derecha, conservador

(of a political viewpoint or ideology) advocating social equality, collective responsibility, and government intervention in the economy

de izquierda, izquierdista

an official choice made by an individual or a group of people in a meeting or election

the percentage or number of eligible voters who actually cast their vote

tasa de participación, participación electoral