
Cualidades - Expectativas y previsibilidad

Explore los proverbios ingleses que describen expectativas y previsibilidades, incluidos "los bufones a menudo resultan ser profetas" y "nunca es mucho tiempo".




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it is all Lombard Street to a China orange

used to suggest that something is very certain or obvious, emphasizing the clear outcome or result of a situation

Todo es Lombard Street hasta una naranja china.

Todo es Lombard Street hasta una naranja china.

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there is nowt so queer as folk

used to suggest that people can be unpredictable and diverse in their behavior, emphasizing the importance of being accepting and respectful of individual differences

No hay nada tan raro como la gente.

No hay nada tan raro como la gente.

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truth is stranger than fiction

used to suggest that real-life events can be more surprising and unusual than anything that could be invented, emphasizing that reality is often unpredictable and extraordinary

La verdad es más extraña que la ficción

La verdad es más extraña que la ficción

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jesters do oft prove prophets

used to suggest that people who are seen as foolish or unimportant often have insights that others do not, because they have a unique perspective on the world or can notice what others cannot

blessed is he who expects nothing (, for he shall never be disappointed)

used to suggest that if someone does not expect too much from a situation or person, they will not be let down if things do not go as planned or hoped for

Bienaventurado el que nada espera, porque nunca será decepcionado.

Bienaventurado el que nada espera, porque nunca será decepcionado.

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expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed

used to suggest that managing expectations and anticipating potential setbacks can help people avoid disappointment and maintain a more positive outlook

espera decepción y nunca te decepcionarás

espera decepción y nunca te decepcionarás

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expectation is far better than realization

used to imply that the excitement or imagination of something can be more satisfying than the reality of it, suggesting that people should not build up their expectations too much

la expectativa es mucho mejor que la realización

la expectativa es mucho mejor que la realización

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the unexpected always happens

used to suggest that no matter how prepared someone is, there is always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances or events that can alter the outcome

lo inesperado siempre sucede

lo inesperado siempre sucede

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what can you expect from a hog but a grunt

used to suggest that people should not have unrealistic expectations or demand too much from something or someone that is limited in its abilities or capacities

¿Qué se puede esperar de un cerdo sino un gruñido?

¿Qué se puede esperar de un cerdo sino un gruñido?

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coming events cast their shadows before

used to suggest that future events can often be predicted by observing the signs or indications that precede them

a lion may come to be beholden to a mouse

used to suggest that even those in positions of power or influence may one day find themselves indebted to someone who is seemingly weaker or less significan

un león puede llegar a estar en deuda con un ratón

un león puede llegar a estar en deuda con un ratón

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never is a long time

used to suggest that circumstances and situations can change unexpectedly, making it unwise to make absolute statements or predictions about the future

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