Verbos de Ayuda y Daño - Verbos para causar peligro
Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a causar peligro, como "amenazar", "peligrar" y "condenar".
Tarjetas de memoria
to risk
to put someone or something important in a situation where they could be harmed, lost, or destroyed

arriesgar, poner en peligro
to venture
to intentionally expose something of personal importance or value to the possibility of loss

to doom
to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions

to peril
to put someone or something in a dangerous or difficult position

poner en peligro, comprometer

to expose
to put someone or something in a position in which they are vulnerable or are at risk

exponer, poner en riesgo


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