
Yardım Etme ve Zarar Verme Fiilleri - Tehlikeye Neden Olan Fiiller

Burada "tehdit etmek", "tehlikeye atmak" ve "kıyamet" gibi tehlikeye neden olmayı ifade eden bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Categorized English Verbs of Helping and Hurting
to threaten

to indicate a potential danger or risk to someone or something

tehdit etmek

tehdit etmek

to risk

to put someone or something important in a situation where they could be harmed, lost, or destroyed

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to endanger

to expose someone or something to potential harm or risk

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to jeopardize

to put something or someone in danger of harm, loss, or suffering

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to hazard

to put someone or something at danger or risk

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to venture

to intentionally expose something of personal importance or value to the possibility of loss

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to doom

to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions

mahkum etmek

mahkum etmek

to menace

to be a possible danger to someone or something

gözdağı vermek

gözdağı vermek

to peril

to put someone or something in a dangerous or difficult position

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

Google Translate
to imperil

to endanger a person or thing

teklikeye sokmak

teklikeye sokmak

to expose

to put someone or something in a position in which they are vulnerable or are at risk

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

to compromise

to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless

tehlikeye atmak

tehlikeye atmak

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