حیوانات - صدفداران و نرمتنان
در اینجا نام انواع صدف و نرم تنان را به زبان انگلیسی یاد می گیرید مانند "clam"، "lobster" و "Oyster".
املای کلمه
a marine arthropod with an external shell that attaches itself to a surface and feeds on particles that are in the water

کشتیچسب, سرخاب
a large marine mollusk with a spiral-shaped shell, often used for decorative purposes and prized for its meat in various cuisines

حلزونی, صدف

a small marine snail with a brightly colored and polished shell that is often used for decorative and cultural purposes

صدف, کشتی

a sea creature with eight legs, two pincers, and a hard shell, which is able to live on land

a large nocturnal decapod that lives in fresh waters and resembles a lobster

خارچنگ, چنگاره
a small marine decapod that lives in the empty shells of gastropods

خرچنگ منزوی, خرچنگ هرمیت
an edible bivalve mollusk with a dark shell that is found in saltwater or freshwater habitats

صدف سیاه, صدف دوکفهای
a type of shellfish found in the ocean, known for its hard, irregular shell and prized for the pearls it can produce


an edible marine bivalve with a white internal muscle that opens and closes the shells and causes it to swim

شانهگون, گوشماهی
a type of sea creature with a shell, such as clams, oysters, mussels, shrimp, lobster, etc.

سختپوست (دریایی)
a cephalopod mollusk originally from Pacific and Indian Oceans with a shell that is pearly on the inside

ملوانک, ناتیلوس