فهرست واژگان سطح B2 - شخصیت
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد شخصیت آشنا می شوید که برای زبان آموزان B2 آماده شده است، مانند " مغرور "، " مراقبت "، " جسور " و ....
املای کلمه
showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

مغرور, متکبر
showing concern for the well-being of others and being kind and supportive in one's actions and interactions

مهربان, دلسوز
having an excessive and intense desire for something, especially wealth, possessions, or power

حریص, طمعکار
unable to wait calmly for something or someone, often feeling irritated or frustrated

بیقرار, کمصبر
experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation

following the principles of wrong and right and behaving based on the ethical standards of a society

بااخلاق, اخلاقمدار
having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen

خوشبین, مثبتاندیش
having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen

showing or having enthusiasm or strong emotions about something one care deeply about

مشتاق, پرشور، پرحرارت
capable of understanding other people's emotions and caring for them

دلسوز, دارای حس همدردی
(of statements, feelings, beliefs, or behavior) showing what is true and honest, based on one's real opinions or feelings

راستگو, صادق
very determined in one's beliefs or decisions, often showing firmness of character and persistence in achieving what one wants

مصمم, بااراده
showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good

دلسوز, مهربان
not able to be depended on or trusted to perform consistently or fulfill obligations

غیر قابل اعتماد
displaying unpredictable and sudden changes in emotions and behavior

متزلزل (از نظر روانی)
(of a person) tolerant, flexible, or relaxed in enforcing rules or standards, often forgiving and understanding toward others

بامدارا, منعطف، باارفاق