آموزش عمومی آیلتس (باند 6-7) - بی اهمیت بودن
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی مرتبط با Insignificance که برای آزمون General Training آیلتس ضروری است آشنا می شوید.
املای کلمه
happening as a side effect or by chance rather than being the main purpose or focus

غیر عمدی
having a size or significance so minute that makes it challenging to notice or appreciate

کوچک و ناچیز
to underrate
to consider someone or something as less important, valuable, or skillful than they actually are

دست کم گرفتن, ناچیز شمردن
to undermine
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

تضعیف کردن, صدمه زدن
to de-emphasize
to reduce the importance, significance, or emphasis placed on something

تنزل دادن

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