Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Obetydlighet
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till Insignificance som är nödvändiga för General Training IELTS-examen.
having no importance or connection with something
irrelevant, oviktig
so small or insignificant that can be completely disregarded
försumbar, obetydlig
having no crucial or primary importance
icke-kritisk, utan avgörande betydelse
not easily seen, observed, or perceived due to a lack of prominence
omedveten, osynlig
not enough to attract attention or seem important
obetydlig, oviktig
happening as a side effect or by chance rather than being the main purpose or focus
incidentell, sekundär
lacking substance, solidity, or significance
otillräcklig, inget av substans
having a size or significance so minute that makes it challenging to notice or appreciate
obekant, obetydlig
to consider someone or something as less important, valuable, or skillful than they actually are
underskatta, devärdera
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone
undergräva, försvaga
to reduce the importance, significance, or emphasis placed on something
de-ackcentuera, minska betydelsen av
to make something seem less important, significant, or serious than it actually is
bagatellisera, minska betydelsen