Liste de Mots Niveau B1 - Maisons et Bâtiments
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur les maisons et les bâtiments, tels que « cheminée », « palais », « cabane », etc. préparés pour les apprenants B1.
a large building that is the official home of a powerful or very important person such as a king, queen, pope, etc.

a channel or passage that lets the smoke from a fire pass through and get out from the roof of a building

a private path or road that leads from the street to a house, building, etc., typically used for vehicle access and parking

allée (privée), voie privée
a long narrow way in a building that has doors on either side opening into different rooms

couloir, corridor
a pipe in the bottom of a sink, bath, etc. through which dirty water flows out

canalisation, tuyau d'évacuation
a room in an apartment or house in which the family gathers to watch TV, relax, etc.

salon, salle de séjour
a person who lives in a particular place, usually on a long-term basis

résident, résidente
a place to stay in for a short period, often with food or other services

hébergement, logement
the money that is regularly paid to use an apartment, room, etc. owned by another person
