Λίστα Λέξεων Επιπέδου B1 - Σπίτια και Κτίρια
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις για σπίτια και κτίρια, όπως "καμινάδα", "παλάτι", "καμπίνα" κ.λπ. προετοιμασμένες για μαθητές Β1.
a large building that is the official home of a powerful or very important person such as a king, queen, pope, etc.
a channel or passage that lets the smoke from a fire pass through and get out from the roof of a building
a private path or road that leads from the street to a house, building, etc., typically used for vehicle access and parking
a long narrow way in a building that has doors on either side opening into different rooms
a room in an apartment or house in which the family gathers to watch TV, relax, etc.
the money that is regularly paid to use an apartment, room, etc. owned by another person