Le livre Headway - Élémentaire - Anglais quotidien (Unité 6)
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'unité 6 d'anglais quotidien du manuel de cours Headway Elementary, tel que « dix-septième », « quatrième », « siècle », etc.
a specific day in a month or sometimes a year, shown using a number and sometimes a name

coming or happening right after the twenty-first person or thing

vingt-deuxième, 22e

coming or happening right after the thirtieth person or thing

trente et unième, 31ème

coming or happening right after the twenty-second person or thing

vingt-troisième, 23ème

a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, often marked by gift-giving, feasting, and family gatherings

Noël, le jour de Noël

a day on which two people celebrate their love toward each other and often buy gifts for one another

la Saint Valentin
a day that is legally recognized as a day off from work or school

jour férié, fête légale