Boek Headway - Elementair - Alledaags Engels (eenheid 6)
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Everyday English Unit 6 in het Headway Elementary-cursusboek, zoals "zeventiende", "vierde", "eeuw", enz.
a specific day in a month or sometimes a year, shown using a number and sometimes a name


(of a person) coming or acting before any other person

eerste, eerste van

coming or happening right after the twenty-first person or thing

twintigste tweede, 22e

coming or happening right after the thirtieth person or thing

eenendertigste, 31ste

the ninth month of the year, after August and before October


the 11th month of the year, after October and before December


coming or happening right after the twenty-second person or thing

drieëntwintigste, 23ste

a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, often marked by gift-giving, feasting, and family gatherings

Kerstmis, de dag van Kerstmis

a day on which two people celebrate their love toward each other and often buy gifts for one another
a day that is legally recognized as a day off from work or school

wettige feestdag, publieke feestdag