Anglais total - Pré-intermédiaire - Unité 2 - Leçon 1
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 2 - Leçon 1 du manuel de cours Total English Pre-Intermediate, tel que « chanson thème », « flop », « duo », etc.
a group of dancers and singers who perform in a musical show, typically providing supporting or background roles and enhancing the main performance
something that is unsuccessful or fails to meet expectations, such as a movie, play, or product
something, such as a movie, play, song, etc. that is very popular and successful
a role or position of guiding or influencing others by setting an example or taking the initiative
the recorded sounds, speeches, or music of a movie, play, or musical
bande sonore
a musical piece that represents or is closely associated with a particular television show, movie, video game, event, or other media production
chanson thème
the highest level of success or popularity achieved in a particular field or category, as represented by ranking lists or charts