Situations et États - Désespoir
Plongez dans des proverbes anglais qui dépeignent le désespoir, comme « la faim brise les murs de pierre » et « les besoins doivent quand le diable conduit ».
used to imply that in desperate times, one must take drastic action regardless of how difficult or unpleasant it may be
les besoins doivent quand le diable conduit
used to suggest that when people are facing a crisis or are in danger, they will try anything to save themselves, even if their efforts are unlikely to succeed
un homme qui se noie s'agrippera à une paille
used for saying that a desperate person will constantly seek opportunities and resources wherever they can find them in order to meet their needs
un loup affamé n'est fixé à aucun endroit
used to imply that in a difficult or dangerous situation, one is willing to accept any help or take any refuge that is available, even if it is not ideal
n'importe quel port en cas de tempête
used to imply that when someone is extremely hungry or desperate, they will find a way to satisfy their needs even if it seems impossible
used to imply that when people are facing an emergency or a crisis situation, they are willing to do things they would normally consider beneath them or that go against their usual values or beliefs
used to suggest that when people have an important and urgent need, regardless of their age or other limitations, they can find a way to overcome those limitations and work hard to meet that need
le besoin fait trotter la vieille femme