Verbes de Mouvement - Verbes pour le mouvement sur place
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence au déplacement sur place, tels que "tilt", "angle" et "slant".
to position or direct something in a way that deviates from a straight line or plane
incliner, orienter
to move or proceed in a direction that is not straight or perpendicular
incliner, biser
to deviate abruptly or shift unexpectedly from the current course or position
dévier, incliner
to slope, lean, or be positioned at a slant or incline
incliner, pencher
to move in a circular direction around a fixed line or point
tourner, se retourner
to rotate or move in a circular or revolving manner
tourner, faire tourner
to move in a direction by turning over and over or from one side to another repeatedly
to spin or rotate quickly with a graceful motion
tourbillonner, faire une pirouette
to move on the ground while turning someone or something in rolling motions
rouler autour, faire rouler
to turn over quickly with a sudden move
se retourner, faire un flip, faire un flip-flap
to flip or rotate an object so that a different side is facing up
retourner, plier
to flip or reverse the position or arrangement of something
to undergo a change in position where an object becomes turned or set on end
renverser, mettre sur le dos
to rotate or flip something in an upward direction
retourner, renverser