पुस्तक Solutions - मध्यवर्ती उच्च - यूनिट 4 - 4सी
यहां आपको सॉल्यूशंस अपर-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 4 - 4सी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "स्लीप रफ", "वालंटियर", "ट्रैवल लाइट", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
in a place that is very far from where people usually go to
to sleep outdoors or in a place that is not intended for accommodation, such as on the streets or in a park, usually without proper bedding or shelter
to construct a building or object in a particular location
निर्माण करना,बनाना
a shelter that usually consists of a long sheet of cloth, nylon, etc. supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, that we especially use for camping
something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping
to be able to recognize the flavor of something by eating or drinking it
related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions
an outdoor fire that is typically built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, etc.
कैंपफायर,अवकाश अग्नि
to travel with only the essential items and no unnecessary baggage