
本 Solutions - 中上級 - ユニット 4 - 4C

ここでは、「睡眠が荒い」、「ボランティア」、「身軽な旅行」など、ソリューション上級中級コースブックのユニット 4 ~ 4C の語彙が見つかります。









Solutions - Upper-Intermediate
to travel

to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location

旅行する, 移動する

旅行する, 移動する

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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name

する, 行う

する, 行う

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to volunteer

to offer to do something without being forced or without payment

ボランティアをする, 自発的に申し出る

ボランティアをする, 自発的に申し出る

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activity that requires physical or mental effort

仕事, 作業

仕事, 作業

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off the beaten track

in a place that is very far from where people usually go to

to go

to travel or move from one location to another

行く, 移動する

行く, 移動する

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to sleep rough

to sleep outdoors or in a place that is not intended for accommodation, such as on the streets or in a park, usually without proper bedding or shelter

to get away

to go on vacation away from home

逃げる, 休暇に行く

逃げる, 休暇に行く

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to put up

to construct a building or object in a particular location

建てる, 構築する

建てる, 構築する

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a shelter that usually consists of a long sheet of cloth, nylon, etc. supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, that we especially use for camping

テント, 覆い

テント, 覆い

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to help

to give someone what they need

助ける, 手助けする

助ける, 手助けする

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something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

バッグ, かばん

バッグ, かばん

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very beautiful or attractive

美しい, 魅力的な

美しい, 魅力的な

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a place or an area that can be seen, and is usually beautiful

眺め, 風景

眺め, 風景

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to taste

to be able to recognize the flavor of something by eating or drinking it

味わう, 試食する

味わう, 試食する

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related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions

地元の, ローカルの

地元の, ローカルの

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a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from

皿, ディッシュ

皿, ディッシュ

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to light

to supply an area or object with illumination

照らす, 点灯する

照らす, 点灯する

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an outdoor fire that is typically built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, etc.

キャンプファイヤー, キャンプ用の火

キャンプファイヤー, キャンプ用の火

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to travel light

to travel with only the essential items and no unnecessary baggage
